Sunday, July 22, 2007

Kenny's Timing Is Off

Kenny arrived a few minutes late for his shift at Burger King. As he stepped through the back door into the kitchen, he sensed something was amiss. He glance to his left and saw Cassie, the new counter girl from Enid Bagnold High School, wielding a basket of hot French fries and making threatening gestures towards Nell, the veteran grill supervisor.
“Cool,” thought Kenny, as he stood riveted to the floor, “chick fight.”
Alex Guisada, the assistant manager came out of the little office, took in the scene and said, “What seems to be the problem here?”
“The problem,” said Nell, “is that this little bitch doesn’t know a number 2 combo from a number 6 combo. She totally screwed up an order and tried to blame it on me.”
“Bullshit,” cried Cassie, “This crazy woman hates me because Stan, the drive-in window guy, thinks I’m pretty. She’s jealous, and she’s mean.”
“Let’s just all calm….” Alex started to say but was cut off as Nell grabbed a hot spatula and lunged for Cassie. Cassie reacted by tossing the hot fries in Nell’s face, causing third-degree burns on Nell’s forehead, lips, and nose. Nell screamed and brought the spatula’s edge down on Cassie’s bicep, causing a severe gash and drawing a copious amount of blood.
Kenny took a tentative step forward and slipped on the blood-covered tile. As he fell, his head struck the corner of the ice machine, killing him instantly.
The chaos in the kitchen halted. As the kitchen staff looked down on dead Kenny, Stan’s voice could be heard on the intercom, “Hey, where’s my onion rings?”

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