Sunday, July 15, 2007

Blessed Be His Name

His mother called him “Pink” instead of his given name, “Vernfrom.” The boy’s father insisted on “Vernfrom” because it was his grandfather’s name, and Pink’s mom relented to the pressure.
“He may be Vernfrom on paper, but it is obvious we just can’t send him out into the world with that odd name,” said his mom, the day after he was born. “We will call him ‘Pink.’”
What Pink’s mom found obvious about “Vernfrom” she was totally oblivious to when it came to “Pink.” The moniker “Pink” is fine if you are a young woman pursuing a career in pop music, but for a boy struggling his way into manhood, the name carried with it serious connotative baggage.
Shortly after his 18th birthday, Pink/Mordecai had his name legally changed to Mike, proving, to me at least, the boy suffered from the same obliviousness that ran in the earlier generations of his family. His family name is Hunt.

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